« Masih Alinejad, certifiée, « Iranian journalist and activist » ? | Un militant Turc condamné, la Turquie et sa diaspora sont en émoi » |
Me voila médaillé par @UK_CAGE
Bingo pic.twitter.com/mwB3l0GOuj
— Bruno Kant (@bkant) November 6, 2020
Muhammad Rahim spent 13 years in Guantanamo. The US have no intention to try him but refuse to release him. He now has suspected cancer! #FreeMuhammadRahim
SIGN >> https://t.co/VU8MTfTRdqhttps://t.co/fqCh2HSHEF— CAGE (@UK_CAGE) November 2, 2020
https://t.co/t97ZYIoNt5 pic.twitter.com/acrdnZuK6j
— Bruno Kant (@bkant) November 6, 2020
فرانسیسی جریدے@Charlie_Hebdo_ نےہولوکاسٹ پر مبنی کارٹون شائع کرنے والےکارٹونسٹ کو رد کردیا.مگرحضرت MuhammadPBUH# کی ذات اقدس پر گستاخانہ خاکے بنانے کو #FredomOfSpeech کا نام دے کر اپنے دوہرے معیار کی عکاسی کی۔ساری دنیا جان لے کہ توہین رسالت کسی صورت برداشت نہیں۔#Islamophobia pic.twitter.com/gOm3Q8tXYm
— Mohammad Sarwar (@ChMSarwar) November 6, 2020
No charges, no justice: Why is this Afghan still in Guantanamo? By @ArnaudMafille for @TRTWorld https://t.co/CEJxVhOBFM
✍️ Sign the petition to #FreeMuhammadRahim >> https://t.co/yjy3CeSEDR— CAGE (@UK_CAGE) November 3, 2020
21 commentaires

Alors que nous contestons fermement le procédé illégal et anticonstitutionnel de la dissolution de notre ONG devant le Conseil D’État lundi, nous venons d’apprendre que la @SocieteGenerale a fermé,sans courrier ni préavis,notre compte en «conservant» 1 demi million d’€ !
— BarakaCity International (@Barakacity) November 5, 2020
L’association @BarakaCity ayant été dissoute le 28 octobre par décret et décision gouvernementale, Société Générale agit conformément à la loi. Nous restons en contact avec ses représentants @IdrissSihamedi dans le respect de la réglementation.
— Societe Generale Group (@SocieteGenerale) November 6, 2020

Je remarque le grand déséquilibre entre le nombre de RT et j'aime des tweets de la SG et ceux des #Barakacity. Quelque chose n'a pas plu? pic.twitter.com/l3026wt0Ub
— Bruno Kant (@bkant) November 6, 2020

Stop, inutile d'en ajouter. #ShitShow https://t.co/7L0HxY4Egn pic.twitter.com/UX6vXxE2Iy
— Bruno Kant (@bkant) November 6, 2020

Par ici, rien ne s'est arrangé non plus #BarakaCity pic.twitter.com/Cji8ESosMQ
— Bruno Kant (@bkant) November 7, 2020

Muhammad Rahim al Afghani https://t.co/i9dK9yHq93 There are no documents about Mr. al Afghani.
— Bruno Kant (@bkant) November 7, 2020
Guantanamo prisoner accused of being Osama bin Laden's associate has a DATING PROFILE on https://t.co/XFefGpbTz2 which says he is 'detained but ready to mingle' https://t.co/JlJhGP6mfW
— Bruno Kant (@bkant) November 7, 2020
29 novembre 2019 #Guantanamo "James Valentine... espère voir Rahim avant la fin de la semaine. https://t.co/l6Ju8DFJ2x Au printemps dernier, le Pentagone estimait que la prison de Guantánamo devrait sans doute continuer à fonctionner pendant encore au moins 25 ans."
— Bruno Kant (@bkant) November 7, 2020

🗣 Le Premier ministre @JeanCASTEX sur la multiplication des actes terroristes : "Un ennemi a déclaré la guerre à la France : il s'appelle l'islamisme politique et radical. Il va nous trouver sur son chemin."
— TF1LeJT (@TF1LeJT) November 1, 2020
📺 #LE20H sur @TF1. pic.twitter.com/2qeyn5Qkro
🗣 @JeanCASTEX sur la lutte contre l'islamisme : "Il faut que nous apportions des réponses opérationnelles et répressives [...] Nous avons augmenté les forces de sécurité intérieure pour protéger nos concitoyens."
— TF1LeJT (@TF1LeJT) November 1, 2020
📺 #LE20H sur @TF1. pic.twitter.com/xFViV75zVk

TRT, where news inspire changes... see world events differently pic.twitter.com/3OFIyjSTOO
— Bruno Kant (@bkant) November 7, 2020

His family found refuge in Pakistan when he was just 12. At the age of 16 years old, he joined the mujahideen, like most other Afghans, to fight for their land against the Soviets.
[...] In 2007, he was kidnapped in front of wife and children in Lahore, Pakistan. His parting advice to his family was that he was innocent and they should seek a good education.
He was bundled into a jeep, and for 8 months he disappeared into the network of CIA secret prisons where he was subjected to human experimentation, beaten and starved. According to the US Senate "torture report", the torture of Muhammad Rahim produced no intelligence.
In 2008, the US announced he had been transferred to Guantanamo bay, and placed him in the secretive "camp 7".
In the early 1980s, Osama travelled to Afghanistan to fight the Russian occupation. “Everyone who met him in the early days respected him,” says Hassan, picking up the story. “At the start, we were very proud of him. Even the Saudi government would treat him in a very noble, respectful way. And then came Osama the mujahid.”
[...] The family say they were all questioned by the authorities and, for a time, prevented from leaving the country. Nearly two decades on, the Bin Ladens can move relatively freely within and outside the kingdom.
Osama bin Laden’s formative years in Jeddah came in the relatively freewheeling 1970s, before the Iranian Revolution of 1979, which aimed to export Shia zeal into the Sunni Arab world. From then on, Saudi’s rulers enforced a rigid interpretation of Sunni Islam – one that had been widely practised across the Arabian peninsula since the 18th century, the era of cleric Muhammed ibn Abdul Wahhab. In 1744, Abdul Wahhab had made a pact with the then ruler Mohammed bin Saud, allowing his family to run affairs of state while hardline clerics defined the national character.
The modern day kingdom, proclaimed in 1932, left both sides – the clerics and the rulers – too powerful to take the other on, locking the state and its citizens into a society defined by arch-conservative views: the strict segregation of non-related men and women; uncompromising gender roles; an intolerance of other faiths; and an unfailing adherence to doctrinal teachings, all rubber-stamped by the House of Saud.
My son, Osama: the al-Qaida leader’s mother speaks for the first time https://t.co/xVHtSkGfRx
— The Guardian (@guardian) August 3, 2018
"Plus critique, ce dernier frère en veut également à Oussama Ben Laden... Pendant plusieurs années, ils ont été interdits de sortie du territoire saoudien, et ont subi interrogatoires et surveillance de la part du gouvernement." https://t.co/Cqcq7JaElF
— Bruno Kant (@bkant) November 7, 2020

Cage is a London-based advocacy organisation which aims "to empower communities impacted by the War on Terror". The organisation says it "highlights and campaigns against state policies, developed as part of the War on Terror, striving for a world free from oppression and injustice"
[...]Cage's outreach director, Moazzam Begg, is a Briton from Birmingham who was held for three years by the United States government in extrajudicial detention as a suspected enemy combatant at Bagram in Afghanistan, and the Guantánamo Bay detainment camp in Cuba.[4][11] He was released without charge in 2005.[12] He has worked to represent detainees still held at Guantánamo, as well as to help former detainees become re-integrated into society. He has also been working with governments to persuade them to accept non-national former detainees, some of whom have been refused entry by their countries of origin.
After his release, Begg became a media commentator on issues pertaining to US, UK and international anti-terror measures. He toured as a speaker about Guantanamo and other detention facilities. Begg co-authored a book, and has written newspaper and magazine articles.[10] He was interviewed in Taxi to the Dark Side, (2008), a documentary about the death in custody of an Afghan detainee and the mistreatment of prisoners held by Americans in Afghanistan and elsewhere.[12]

Former Guantanamo Bay detainee Moazzam Begg has walked free from Belmarsh prison after seven terrorism-related charges against him were dropped. The charges - which were connected to the conflict in Syria - were dropped by the Crown Prosecution Service after "new material" emerged. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-29442623

By Charles Hymas, Home Affairs Editor 6 November 2020 • 9:00pm
The former Charity Commission chief who stood up to the controversial human rights group Cage has emerged as a frontrunner to review Prevent, the Government’s anti-extremism programme.
[...] It had previously emerged that Cage had used meetings on university campuses to encourage the “sabotage” of Prevent.
Moazzam Begg, the former Guantánamo Bay detainee who was then a director of Cage, told students “any right-minded person” would oppose the Prevent strategy, likening it to the methods of the Stasi secret police in the former East Germany.
[...] Communities, activists and civil liberties organisations have been calling for a review of Prevent for years, claiming that it fosters discrimination against people of the Islamic faith or background.
However, advocates of the strategy reject this and say it has successfully diverted vulnerable individuals from being radicalised.
The most controversial element of the Prevent programme is the statutory duty imposed on schools, NHS trusts, prisons, local authorities and other public bodies to report concerns about people they suspect may be at risk of turning to extremism.
Six universities face inquiry over Cage campus talks
Colleges face allegations of failing to comply with Prevent duty after Cage allegedly used meetings to encourage the “sabotage” of the government’s official anti-extremism programme
By Gordon Rayner ; Gordonrayner and Tomwhitehead 06 January 2016 • 22:00 pm
I won't stop offering a platform to so-called 'hate speakers'
Tue 23 Feb 2016 07.00 GMT Last modified on Mon 24 Sep 2018 13.19 BST
Kingston University, where I am vice-chancellor, was named and shamed by the prime minister last year for allegedly hosting Islamic “hate speakers” and thus undermining official efforts to prevent the radicalisation of students.
A couple of weeks ago, another supposed “hate speaker”, Moazzam Begg, was invited to speak to Kingston students. Begg is a former prisoner of US forces at Bagram in Afghanistan and at Guantanamo Bay. I did not stop his visit. On the contrary, I shared the platform with him.
Was I being reckless? Was I deliberately provoking the prime minister and the chorus of others who demand that universities do more to tackle radicalisation? No. I was being true to my obligations as a university vice-chancellor.

Tonight at 7pm UK time (in about an hour’s time) I will be joining @dcli @Moazzam_Begg and @AsimCP to reflect on lessons from the war in Bosnia in light of recent events.
— Babar Ahmad (@FreeBabarAhmad) November 6, 2020
We will be sharing lots of personal stories. Don’t miss it!!
Register at https://t.co/oMUgoidwGs https://t.co/KEDyVwBnur
Looking forward to discussing the book and wartime Muslim solidarity with Bosnia this Friday. Featuring @AsimCP of @UK_CAGE and former War on Terror captives @FreeBabarAhmad & @Moazzam_Begg |
— darryl li (@dcli) November 2, 2020
Rethinking Jihad & Humanitarianism In Bosniahttps://t.co/oB90rvYN4E

Lots of events to advertise over the next month, but I’m particularly looking forward to chairing this discussion between @dcli @Moazzam_Begg and @FreeBabarAhmad on the roles that foreigners played during the Bosniak jihad. Book your ticket here: https://t.co/RansHVQUdb pic.twitter.com/DClI1z3LpR
— Dr Asim Qureshi (@AsimCP) October 27, 2020
3 weeks until our book ‘I Refuse to Condemn: resisting racism in times of national security’ comes out iA. This is the 2 year anniversary of this interview, & just one of the reasons I felt we needed write about our experiences. Do pre-order the book here: https://t.co/N8RpXyEIKS pic.twitter.com/TH5SmWOrf1
— Dr Asim Qureshi (@AsimCP) October 23, 2020

Ces infractions vont de l'attentat au projet d'attentat, en passant par le soutien logistique ou financier à un réseau terroriste et le séjour sur un autre théâtre d'opérations. La contribution du CAT a été fournie au Sénat dans le cadre de l'examen de la proposition de loi instaurant des mesures de sûreté à l'encontre des auteurs d'infractions terroristes.
Trop tôt pour étudier le cas des « revenants » de Daech
Elle documente un total de 166 djihadistes partis en Afghanistan (90 entre 1986 et 2011), en Bosnie (60 entre 1992 et 1995) et 16 en Irak (entre 2003 et 2006), dont 150 ont survécu. Les pourcentages de ce que le CAT appelle non pas la récidive mais le « réengagement » atteignent des sommets : 100 % pour les « Irakiens », 72 % pour les « Afghans » et 39 % pour les « Bosniaques ».
Djihadisme : la majorité des Français partis en Afghanistan, Irak ou Bosnie ont récidivé https://t.co/vPy548v1gK Portant sur plus de 160 personnes et sur une période de 25 ans, une étude souligne le risque de « réengagement » élevé chez les « revenants »
— Bruno Kant (@bkant) November 7, 2020

Là bas, ça s'agite (encore).... https://t.co/mLlenK2reV
— Bruno Kant (@bkant) November 7, 2020
Kisi ke baap ka thode na hai #London pic.twitter.com/UvjMPege6n
— #AllLivesMatter (@ExSecular) November 7, 2020
Vu les réactions, c'est mal perçu.... https://t.co/xHoB4YdO3i
— Bruno Kant (@bkant) November 7, 2020
Brutal secularism is the only way to deal with uber relgiosity of Islamism. We don't care about any religions sentiments. Every idea religious or non religious is open for scruntiny, ridicule and mockery. That includes religious figures too.
— कुशल मेहरा (@kushal_mehra) October 29, 2020
Yeh ho chuka hai india mein .. human chain concept Purana hai https://t.co/e93K5qUZH1
— #AllLivesMatter (@ExSecular) November 7, 2020
The honor of Mohammed and the lives of Muslims pic.twitter.com/J3AFYln5Nb
— Ex-Muslims of North America (@ExmuslimsOrg) November 7, 2020
Donald Trump s’est exprimé depuis la Maison Blanche, dans une intervention d’une quinzaine de minutes si riche en mensonges et en provocations que les trois grandes chaînes de télévision du pays ont interrompu sa diffusion en direct. https://t.co/QkFQrzxRH5
— Libération (@libe) November 6, 2020

#ICYMI: Palestinian scholar Nidhal Siam at Al-Aqsa Rally: Macron, You Lowlife, Soon We Will Conquer Paris and Rome, Rule Europe with Islam pic.twitter.com/G5CQJFdzNc
— MEMRI (@MEMRIReports) November 7, 2020

Je suis pas sûr qu'on a le droit de tout écouter sur Twitter. Et je suis pas certain d'avoir tout compris. Il existe des guignols qui voudraient atomiser la planète à cause des dessins de Charlie, et pour survivre? https://t.co/oka4xzmG9L
— Bruno Kant (@bkant) November 8, 2020

On va tout de suite avoir moins chaud.
— Bruno Kant (@bkant) November 8, 2020
"...ne serait-ce qu’un tiers de leurs arsenaux nucléaires provoquerait une dévastation régionale, avec entre 50 et 125 millions de morts immédiates. Mais également un mini-hiver nucléaire planétaire d’environ dix an" https://t.co/FGAB4yFPhd

"Boycott democracy" ou "Boikot demokrasi", le message des anti #CharlieHebdo commence à se clarifier. https://t.co/Stmj0tO6ci
— Bruno Kant (@bkant) November 8, 2020

https://t.co/GQoO7wcEh0 pic.twitter.com/bnAgH2Hxgs
— Bruno Kant (@bkant) November 8, 2020

Nouveaux éléments de langage à paraitre https://t.co/V445d2gTIg
— Bruno Kant (@bkant) November 18, 2020
We will be live tweeting @AsimCP's book launch on this thread. To get your own copy log on to @ManchesterUP website here and get a 40% discount!
— CAGE (@UK_CAGE) November 18, 2020
Buy your copy here >> https://t.co/NbrpCkKY8y
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