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Online controversy over graffiti by Israeli kids
Jul 23, 2006 22:12 | Updated Jul 25, 2006 4:19
Online controversy over graffiti by Israeli kids
JPost.com » Israel » Article, excerpt
In the public relations battle brewing on-line, there is a new eye to the center of the storm surrounding the war with Hizbullah - a series of photos showing Israeli children writing messages on shells meant for targets in Lebanon.
Questions over the photos' authenticity have been put to rest by authorities that were present during the incident, which occurred on July 17 near the northern border. The mostly local children had been brought to see the shells by their parents. Although it remains unclear who encouraged them to write the messages, their colorful scribbles, including a Star of David, hearts, and "From Israel, with Love," have appeared in dozens of blogs, or on-line journals, and on-line photo hosting sites.
Although the IDF has failed to issue a response to the incident, a spokesman from the IDF said it "appeared as though the situation occurred unofficially." Although an officer was present during the incident, the soldiers, and the IDF as a whole, did not condone or condemn the incident.
An official close to Israel's public relations campaign said that there was "no way" to spin the incident in a positive light. "Some people are simply irresponsible," said the official.
On-line, the photos are being called "horrifying," "disgusting" and "despicable." "I still cannot understand why or how anyone would allow their young children to walk up to missiles or other explosives. The militarization of children is always a crime," said one user by the name of "aviv2b" on the Guardian Web site, which ran a lengthy discussion about the photos.

Cabinet de Philippe Douste-Blazy
Ministre des Solidarités,
de la Santé et de la Famille
Toulouse, lundi 21 mars 2005
DISCOURS, extrait
2ème Congrès international dans le cadre des
Rencontres Franco-Israéliennes de
Victimologie de l’enfant
La place de l’enfant dans l’espace du conflit
Messieurs les Présidents,
Mesdames et Messieurs,
... Je regrette que certains aient cru possible de réduire le champ de vos travaux à une seule cause, alors que la victimologie des conflits, concerne tous les enfants de la planète et toutes les situations de violence dans le monde.
Je me réjouis que les thèmes de ces journées couvrent des aspects variés, en particulier médico-psychologiques, médico-légaux, éthiques et philosophiques, concernant des situations en Espagne, en Israël, en Palestine, en Côte d’Ivoire, en Arménie et même en France, en montrant à la fois leur singularité et leur universalité.

Michelito, 10 ans, star de la corrida • Voir sur Rue89
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