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French writer Banon « still can't bear to say Strauss-Kahn's name »
NDLR : On connaissait déjà assez bien le téléphone dit arabe. On peut maintenant découvrir le téléphone indien, ou dit anglophone, il utilise le Télégraph... J'ai l'impression que de l'autre côté de la planète, en Inde, on ne lit pas tout à fait la même chose qu'ici, en France. DSK aurait été arrêté, puis relaché ? A New York, il me semble, non ? Selon ce que nous lirons encore dans un proche avenir, DSK pourrait avoir intérêt à maintenir sa plainte en raison de dénonciation calomnieuse... Mais DSK pourrait également décider d'ignorer tout simplement ce que Banon a pu raconter, par le passé, ou ce que propageront encore nos médias, au cours des semaines ou mois à venir. J'ai d'ailleurs l'impression que DSK a déjà ignoré la parution du livre de Banon, Le bal des hypocrites, je n'ai pas eu vent de critiques particulières. Dire ou écrire « Strauss-Kahn », c'est un peu long, usant. Pour peu qu'on ajoute « Dominique », également long, le temps de parole ou la ligne se réduisent comme peau de chagrin. Il faut abréger, parler de DSK, comme tout le monde.
French writer Banon 'still can't bear to say Strauss-Kahn's name'
Paris, Sun, 06 Nov 2011 ANI
Paris, Nov 6 (ANI): French writer Tristane Banon who claimed that former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn sexually assaulted her in 2003, would prefer not to speak the name of the man who she says stole her twenties, her health, and has revealed why she now feels vindicated after the French politician was arrested over rape charges.
In her book about how Strauss Kahn destroyed her life Banon makes no mention of his name.
In fact, she would rather not hear it on the radio or read it in the newspapers and magazines, the Telegraph reports.
"The name is ugly. Just too ugly," Banon says.
Tristane Banon was just a 22-year-old journalism graduate with dreams of becoming a writer and novelist when she went to interview Strauss-Kahn in February 2003.
Banon said Strauss-Kahn jumped on her, forced his hands into her pants, groped her breasts and would have raped her if she had not escaped his clutches and fled.
The charges were against the French politician were later dropped, but for Tristane, it was the moment for which she had waited, the moment she had been convinced would come.
During an interview with a British newspaper, Banon described feeling relief and vindication.
"Yes, I was happy when he was arrested. It was as if eight and a half years of my life had been on hold, in brackets, waiting for this moment. I was never good. I had calm moments, I had happy moments, but what happened was always, always there in my head," Banon said.
"For eight and a half years I had been treated as a pathological liar as someone who didn't know reality from fiction, as someone who didn't matter, who could be forgotten and here HE was arrested," she said. (ANI)
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