April 3, 2007

Du pain et de l’eau à la cantine !

Cantine gratuite dans les écoles de Drancy et du Bourget. Pour les deux municipalités qui vont prendre en charge le coût des repas, c'est une «baisse d'impôt ciblée».
Libé, 5 janvier 2007

Raviolis gratuits dans les cantines de Drancy et du Bourget (Seine-Saint-Denis). Hier les maires UDF de ces deux communes ont annoncé que les quelque 3 000 élèves de leurs écoles primaires auront droit à un déjeuner «équilibré, quotidien et gratuit». Quelles que soient les ressources de leurs parents. Une première en France, d'après Christian Hébert, président de l'Association nationale des directeurs de restauration municipale.

Dans ce journal de France 3, 19-20 national, « le record de vitesse sur rail pulvérisé ce matin par une rame spéciale du TVG », 574,8 km/h, « la mairie du Maincy en Seine et Marne décide de priver des enfants de déjeuner », « c'est aux parents `'à" comprendre qu'il ont signé un règlement, et ce règlement existe depuis dix ans » :

Sur Choc.fr, du 30 janvier 2007 :

Une petite fille de 8 ans dont la mère, licenciée depuis peu, au chômage, n’avait pas payé le déjeuner s’est vue proposer... du pain sec, de l’eau et une banane pourrie à la cantine ! Non, la cantine ne copie pas ses menus sur les régimes des starlettes de Hollywood, ils sont juste très radin.

L’incident s’est déroulé à Castle Hill Primary School à Brockworth, Gloucester (Angleterre). On reproche souvent à la cantine de servir de la nourriture trop grasse, et bien là c’est trop sec ! « C’est pire que de la nourriture de taulard » dit la mère. Avec ça elle pouvait faire un sandwich à la banane bien mouillée.

Le pire : la mère savait qu’elle n’avait pas payé ; elle appella donc l’école en catastrophe dans l'après-midi pour s’assurer que sa fille Courteney avait mangé à sa faim. L'école lui avait alors répondu "pas de problème, elle a bien mangé !"… Sodexho refuse d’alimenter les mauvais payeurs : quelle générosité !

Schoolgirl who forgot her dinner money is given bread and water
www.dailymail.co.uk, January 26th, 2007

A girl of eight who forgot her £3.50 lunch money was instead given a school dinner of bread and water.

For dessert, Courtney Williams got a blackened banana.

"Prisoners get better food," her mother Michelle said. "I was fuming."

The incident happened at Castle Hill Primary School in Brockworth, Gloucester, which has "healthy school" status.

Mrs Williams said: "After Courtney had gone to school, I had a call from the headteacher asking me for £3.50 for her lunch money."

"I promised her I would take the money in between 11am and 12pm, but asked could they make sure Courtney got her dinner. They assured me that was fine."

"I went down to the school, but unfortunately I didn't get there until after 1pm. When I gave the money to the cook, I was told my daughter had been given bread, water and a banana."

"Courtney was also really upset that she was made to sit with her friends while they all ate a hot meal of rice and fish and a dessert. Eating dry bread is just not on."

Courtney said: "It was very embarrassing when I took my plate up to get some food with all the other children and they just handed me another plate with dry bread on it."

"I was quite upset. I had to sit and watch everyone else eat proper meals and I just had some bread and an old banana with a black skin."

Mrs Williams, a single mother, said it was difficult for her to pay for the week's meals for her daughter on Mondays.

"I used to work as a domestic assistant at Gloucestershire Royal Hospital, but I gave in my notice after my mother died last October and I'm unemployed at the moment," she said.

"I am expected to pay on Mondays, but I don't get my tax credit and benefit till Wednesdays. I would have thought the school could understand that and make allowances." Courtney is not eligible for free school meals because her mother's income support application is still being processed.

The school headmistress, Sue Rowlinson, said they had tried their best to help Mrs Williams and find a solution to the payment problems, and would continue to do so.

She added: "We have, on numerous occasions, provided meals and accommodated late payments from this parent. We would never allow a child to go hungry."

"However, the policy of our school meal provider, Sodexho, clearly states that payment for meals must be made in advance and they will be unable to provide a meal if payment is not received."

"Our main concern is always the heath and wellbeing of our pupils."

"We have tried to come to an arrangement with this parent to accommodate any difficulties she may have in paying for the meals at the start of the week."

"We will continue to try to find a way forward to everyone's satisfaction."

- Vive la France -

Posted 18 years, 9 months ago on April 3, 2007
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